The idea of providing public charter schools as an alternative to public schools first came up in the 1980s. It wasn’t until 1997 that the very first Pennsylvania charter school was created. Ever since then, more and more charter schools have been popping up around the state, giving parents more of a choice. Charters are publicly funded schools that have more freedom when it comes to staffing, budgets, and curriculum. They’re free to allocate more funding and resources towards supporting students. But they still have to adhere to the exact same academic measures as traditional brick-and-mortar schools. This all sounds good, right? But nowadays, there are so many physical charter schools and K-12 online schools in PA. So, you may be wondering, “Who offers online classes for high school students in Philadelphia?”
If your child has been dealing with bullies, drama, gossip, and other distractions at their local school, we understand the want to get them out of there as soon as possible. Being stuck in a toxic environment can really start to negatively affect their academic pursuits. But choosing a public online high school is an important decision that can affect your child’s education and future. Therefore, you want to find a cyber school in Philadelphia that can meet your child’s educational needs. To help get you started in the process, you can check out this honest review of the top five cyber charter schools in Pennsylvania.
In a busy physical classroom, students aren’t able to get the same level of individualized attention that online charter school teachers can provide. And there’s much more flexibility. Let’s say that your son or daughter works a part-time job, volunteers, takes music lessons, or plays a number of team sports. How can you fit all of their activities, school, and family time into their schedule? This all becomes easier with the flexibility and customization that online education can provide. That’s why PA Virtual offers both asynchronous and synchronous education.
Here at PA Virtual, we strive to provide the very best educational opportunities to our students. Our goal is to become a nationally recognized leader when it comes to innovation, strategic thinking, and quality in every area of K-12 distance education. In addition to a terrific education, we also provide technology and resources as well as top-quality school support services. We even provide support for parents who are getting more involved by becoming their child’s Learning Coach. As a key player in your child’s education, you’ll be there to track progress and make sure all assignments are handed in on time.
When you think of online education, you may be afraid that your child is going to spend all their time at home in isolation behind a computer screen. But that’s not the case with PA Virtual. We believe that socialization is an important part of the education process. That’s why we offer a variety of field trips around the state as well as clubs, extracurricular activities, volunteer opportunities, school prom, and graduation ceremonies. And as part of our public online high school education in Philadelphia, all our students have to take part in a graduation project that gives them real-world experience. So, if you find yourself asking, "Who has online classes for high school students in Philadelphia?" reach out to us for more info. We serve the entire Philadelphia area, including Bensalem, Ardmore, Haverford, Blue Bell, Cheltenham, and Chester.