Our certified teachers provide interactive learning that helps keep each individual student engaged. In a crowded physical classroom, it can be difficult for teachers to put forth that level of one-on-one focus for each student, which may negatively affect a student’s growth and development. We have found that our virtual model of education is very effective in personalizing each student's educational experience. If you're wondering, "Is there an online school in Philadelphia County near me?" you've come to the right place. Contact us today to find out more about our innovative K-12 school. Or, you could check out our open house for online school in the Philadelphia area. We are your choice for online high school as well as elementary and middle school.
And if you're worried about there being too much screen time, we understand that. Online education does require some screen time. But we make sure to include some hands-on assignments each day. That may include some workbook pages or maybe an art or science project. Plus, we give our students breaks throughout the day. They may even be able to get outside for a bit, as long as the weather is adequate.