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Learn More about Our K-12 Cyber School

Welcome to our K-12 Online School in Hershey

PA Virtual is your solution if you're looking for an award-winning online school in Hershey, PA. We offer virtual schooling that is tuition free* for families. And our form of education can be done from the comfort of home. Our goal is to help your child succeed by providing a safe, interactive learning environment that is structured specifically for them. Using our Diamond Model of Partnership, our cyber charter school focuses on combining the guidance of parents and teachers to enhance your child's academic experience. With the help of our certified teachers and principals, the families who partner with PA Virtual receive all the support they need.

*As a public school, PA Virtual is funded by Pennsylvania Taxpayer dollars.

Online school in Hershey

The Best Online School in Hershey, PA

PA Virtual is a lot more than just virtual schooling that is free for Pennsylvania students. We offer a high-quality, safe, and supportive education format for your family. To learn more, contact us. In addition, you can check out our virtual events calendar as well. Limiting screen time is a common concern that is understood by the staff members and faculty in our virtual school. To solve this problem, we utilize technology to give students the ability to take breaks from their screens throughout the day. Our students are able to get outside and enjoy some fresh air during their school day. The assignments that our teachers give include hands-on work, including science labs, art projects, and some workbook pages. We do what we can to help your child achieve their full academic potential.

girl - graduation

Extra-Curricular Activities and Clubs

Although it's common to assume that putting your child in a Hershey online school means having to sacrifice after-school clubs and activities. Here at PA Virtual, that couldn't be further from the truth. Our cyber school offers a variety of extra-curricular activities, including field trips, service-learning opportunities, and various other clubs. We have a student council, National Honor Society, photography club, and many more. If students decide to do so, they also have the option to take part in activities at their local brick-and-mortar school.

Prioritizing Individual Time with Teachers

In a conventional high school, it can be difficult for your son or daughter to get one-on-one learning experiences with their teachers. Our teachers for our Hershey online charter make it a priority to get to know each child. This way we can build on their strengths and give each student the guidance that they need. We believe that this will increase your child's sense of responsibility for their education because they are unable to depend on their peers for an answer or use the answers of another student's work. Our job here at PA Virtual is to make our online school as safe, convenient, and as efficient as possible.

A Safe Environment for your Children

Do you ever wonder if your child would be truly safe at a brick-and-mortar school? We understand that things such as bullying, gossip, peer pressure, and teasing can potentially have a negative effect on your child. This can cause your child to have a negative association with education, as well as having a drop in their mental health. PA Virtual understands these concerns. We do everything we can to give parents what they need to design a safe and positive remote learning environment. Our students feel free to be themselves, giving them self-confidence as they progress through their education. For more info, contact our nearby Hershey online school. We offer virtual learning for all of Dauphin County, including Harrisburg and Middletown.

A Fast Online Schooling System

Online school can help save time and effort for your child and your family. In conventional schooling, your child has to do all of the tedious tasks that come along with it, such as bus riding and after-school homework. With virtual learning, a child can still go to school and not have it consume a their entire day. This allows your child to have the time to participate in a variety of other activities, like sports, community volunteering, or an after-school job. Please get in touch with us if you would like more information.
