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PA Virtual Cyber Charter School

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Welcome to Our Dependable Cyber School in Crawford County

If you’re looking for a quality cyber school in Crawford County, PA, your search is over. We provide a home-based K-12 public education that’s tuition-free*. Our educational model involves a partnership between our teachers and the student’s parents. This allows us to provide a customized education that will help your child succeed.

Every member of our staff is highly dedicated to becoming a partner in your son or daughter’s education. Reach out today to request more information about our online schooling near Crawford County.

Local Cyber School in Crawford County, PA

*As a public school, PA Virtual is funded by Pennsylvania Taxpayer dollars.

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What about Screen Time?

Here at our cyber school in Crawford County, we are aware of the effects that screen time can have on developing children. Thus, our curriculum includes plenty of hands-on assignments, and we also include several breaks throughout the school day. Students can get up, move around, and head outside for some fresh air if the weather permits for it.

One-on-One Learning

In a crowded physical classroom, it can be challenging for teachers to get around and provide each student face time. However, our virtual teachers are able to provide one-on-one time with each student, getting to know them. This helps us build academic lessons that can accommodate all types of learning styles.

Community Engagement and Socialization

You may imagine that online schooling is a lonely, isolating experience for children. However, our model of virtual learning offers fun and educational field trips, community engagement opportunities, and student clubs. Whether they’re into anime or photography club—students are able to try out new interests in a safe, age-appropriate environment. So, contact us to learn more about our nearby Crawford County online school.

Completing Schoolwork More Quickly

Cyber School in Crawford CountyAn added benefit of a home-based education is that it can be a lot quicker for children. Your child won’t have to spend time traveling to school every day, and they won’t have to spend their whole evening doing homework. This can be extra helpful if your child works a job, volunteers, or plays sports.